Sunday, December 03, 2006

The American Idiot Speaks....Again

Lou Dobbs embarrasses himself again. Here is just a taste of his idiocy:
Victorious Democrats will, with the opening of the 110th Congress, have a historic opportunity to right the course of a country that has been hell-bent on permitting free-trade corporatists and faith-based economics to bankrupt the nation.
Eye-glazing stuff, international trade. But the consequences of faith-based free-trade will be eye-popping in the disaster it wreaks on our economy and working Americans.
Dobbs goes on to argue, without explicitly stating it, for a new round of protectionist legislation that will kill the economic miracle of the American economy.

To Dobbs I say: the facts are that free trade makes everyone wealthier. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. From the people laboring in China to the average American. Further, when we trade with potential military adversaries (China), we lessen the risk of armed conflict.

Asking for a legislative answer instead of adapting to the new global reality will not change the facts of a globally competitive economy. Dobbs' pleading for Congressional interference in the matter won't change those facts.


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