Thursday, April 10, 2008

'Big black dog syndrome'

It is a real phenomenon:
"According to animal shelter officials, big, black dogs like Gozer have more trouble finding a happy home than do other dogs. Some shelters even have a name for it: 'Big black dog syndrome.'"
I have a big, black Lab foster dog right now. He is a great dog, but he is a big, black dog and hence, people are reluctant to adopt him. They are missing out.


At Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like they are describing me. A big black guy that "everyone" immediately associates with violence, robbery and other ills associated with the society. This is racism taken even to the dogs. How typical!

At Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:01:00 PM, Blogger dragonfire74633 said...

What an idiotic and incompetent story. However it is what America thrives on.
When I get home,I will remove the linens from my bed, change the tablecloth on my dining room table. They are all white. Racism continues and is as sick as ever. Typical yes. I agree with you.


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