Tuesday, August 01, 2006

War on climate change

ZPEnergy.com - War on climate change

I hope this will not the like the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Poverty". The way the author talks, we will need to refight WWII to beat the horrible Global Warming fascism.
"We have to tackle climate change as if we're going to war. Global warming is a common enemy for us all and it's a case of having to pull together. Fuel, gas and food were all successfully rationed during World War II and a similar strategy could be effectively used now with carbon. A carbon card system, whereby individuals would be given a carbon allocation and pay high prices for any extra on the market, would work. Buying petrol for example would have a high carbon rating, whereas for locally grown apples, it would be very low. Identity cards could be an ideal vehicle for such a scheme", John Grant said.
Sorry. Not going to work. Better think of something else.

Update: Melting Permafrost a National Security Threat


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