Monday, August 14, 2006

Al Gore in the Conservative Crosshairs

The left fires back at Peter Schweitzer's article in the USA Today.
As with most right wing smear efforts, the article entirely misses the point. Al Gore is championing action against global warming, not recycling, not sustainable mining, and not the green character of the democratic party. What he is doing is advocating explicit action to curb and control carbon emissions, and he is living his life 100% consistently with this aim by going carbon neutral.

My objection to Al Gore is this: he claims carbon neutrality, but the whole process is one of excess carbon emissions and then washing away that sin via check book. Massive amounts of CO2 is still be emitted by the Lear jet and the SUV caravan taken wherever he goes. Writing a check to NativeEnergy does not cancel those Al Gore lifestyle choices.

The whole claim of carbon neutrality is some sort of "smoke and mirrors" attempt to claim Moral Authority without making the personal sacrifice to lead by example. Grist did a take down and body slam on the subject. A Gandhi-like persona requires a Gandhi-like sacrifice. Otherwise, expect the pedestal to be knocked from beneath your feet.


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